

The Red Wolf (Canis Rufus) is the most endangered of all the wolf species. It has a smooth reddish coat, a silver-grey forehead, long ears and long legs.  They are similar in size to a German shepherd dog.  The red wolf belongs to the canidae family, which includes wolves, foxes, jackals, coyotes and domestic dogs.  Red wolf packs usually contain between 2 and  10 members. 

Red wolves eat smaller ground dwelling animals such as rabbits and rodents. They also hunt together as a group in order to catch a larger animal such as a deer. Red wolves generally hunt alone or in small packs. They communicate by howling,  scent marking, facial expressions, and body movement. Red wolves are nocturnal animals. Red wolves inhabit forests, wetlands, coastal prairies and mountains. They make their dens in hollow trees, stream banks and in sand knolls.

The female red wolf gives birth to a litter of 4 - 6 pups. The pups are born blind and are nursed by the rest of the pack until they are able to hunt for themselves. They will either remain with their parents or leave to start a pack of their own.  Today, about 50 red wolves exist in the wild and about 200 live in zoos and breeding facilities. Predators of the red wolf include wolves, coyotes, and humans.


DIET :                  Carnivore                             LIFE SPAN:      10 - 12 years

LIFESTYLE:        Pack                                       WEIGHT  :       18 kg - 41 kg

TOP SPEED:        75 km (46mph)

Taller 1

Read the information sheet about red wolves on the previous page, Translate to Spanish and then answer the questions below.

1. What is the scientific name for a red wolf?
2. What is the top speed of a red wolf?
3. What do red wolves eat?
4. What is a predator?
5. How many pups are in a litter?
6. Does only the mother take care of the pups?
7. What does 'nocturnal' mean?
8. How do wolves communicate?
9. How do wolves kill large animals?

Taller 2

1.  Debes hacer un dibujo o buscar una lámina de un animal que esté en peligro de extinción y escribir una frase corta en inglés que invite a las personas a protegerlo, o saber sobre él

2. Completa la frase de forma coherente. busca ser creativo (puedes presentar dos versiones)

Si el Coronavirus no llega a tu casa...

3. Presenta en un video de máximo un minuto,  una o dos actividades que te gustan hacer en casa.

Te recomiendo que veas en esta web la sección "Lo que hago en casa" allí en dos videos cortos te muestro algunos ejercicios físcos que realizo en casa. 

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Evidencia: se debe presentar en el cuaderno de inglés

NOTA: La clase de inglés de grados sexto, séptimo y noveno debe ser reforzada con el trabajo en Duolingo, inscribiéndose si no lo han hecho y aumentando los niveles.

Evidencia: Enviar pantallazo del perfil de duolingo donde muestre el nivel logrado, mejorando el nivel anterior, al correo

Por favor no se desplacen a otros lugares innecesariamente.

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                    Clive Staples Lewis 

"...Y vivir pa´ tener un cacho de tiempo en la vida pa´ Ser Felices "

                             Pepe Mujica

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